The J Maker

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photobreakout version: 2002.02.22

[Main Features]: This Java applet implements a fully configurable multi-level image-based breakout game. Supply your own images and play!

[Execution Tips]: Click the 'New' button to start a new game. Move the mouse to position the paddle.

[Download and Installation Guide]: Be sure to read our FAQ 1 about license agreement before you use this program. Download and uncompress the file under your web directory. You can use the configurator in the next section or do it by yourself as follows:
Use a file editor (e.g. WordPad) to open photobreakout.html and copy the code segemnt between starting and ending APPLET tags into your desirable HTML file. Supply your own photo and type in its filename. If you have an image, say, width = w and height = h, remember to set the panel area with width = (w + 23) and height = (2 * h + 80). For exmaple, if you have an image with width = 232 and height = 150, you should set 'width' to 255 and 'height' to 380. Note that you should select number of rows and columns that divide the image width and height.

[Parameters and HTML Configurator]:
Parameter Value Description
regcode registration code
delay delay between frames
width of the photo
height of the photo
ballsize ball size
padsize paddle size
speed ball speed in pixels
bouncefile bounce-back audio filename
loseaballfile losing-a-ball audio filename
npics total number of pictures
image filenames
mainbg main panel background color: R G B
mainfg main panel foreground color: R G B
gamebg game panel background color: R G B
gamefg game panel foreground color: R G B
buttonbg button background color: R G B
buttonfg button foreground color: R G B
lastlevel final level to link to a URL
linkto '|' seperates gameover URL and target frame
* fill in "none" for URL if you don't want to link to anywhere
* target frame options are as follows
_self = current frame
_parent = parent frame
_top = top-most frame
_blank = new unnamed top-level frame
x = new top-level frame named x
row number of rows to divide the puzzle
col number of columns to divide the puzzle
NewGameText text string for starting a new game
PauseText text string for pausing
BallsText text string for balls left
HighScoreText text string for high score
ScoreText text string for current score
LevelText text string for current level
FinishText text string when game is over

Auto-generated code to be inserted into your HTML page:

P.S. Copy all necessary *.jar, *.class, images (e.g. *.gif or *.jpg), and data files (e.g. *.txt) to your web directory and embed the above code into your own HTML file.

[More Package Info]:
  • File Description:
  • photobreakout.html - this file
  • photobreakout.jar - photobreakout program classes
  • photobreakout*.au - sample audio files
  • photobreakout*.jpg - sample photo files