The J Maker

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sprites version: 2002.02.22

[Main Features]: This is a Java applet that animates multiple sprites in the scene. You can add your own sprites and set up control for each of them.

[Execution Tips]: Move the mouse to pause the animation or click to link to the specified URL.

[Download and Installation Guide]: Be sure to read our FAQ 1 about license agreement before you use this program. Download and uncompress the file under your web directory. You can use the configurator in the next section or do it by yourself as follows:
Use a file editor (e.g. WordPad) to open sprites.html and copy the code segemnt between starting and ending APPLET tags into your desirable HTML file. Supply your own image files and type in their names in the parameters.

[Parameters and HTML Configurator]:
Parameter Value Description
applet width
applet height
regcoderegistration code
fpsframes per second
bgcolorbackground color: R G B
borderborder width (0 = border)
urllink address when mouse is clicked
totaltotal number of sprites
setup for individual sprites:
format with | seperator: f1|f2|f3|f4|f5
f1: sprite image (filename)
f2: start x and y (coordinates)
f3: speed x and y (negative means left; otherwise right
f4: random speed x and y(1 or 0)
f5: wrap-around option (1 or 0)

Auto-generated code to be inserted into your HTML page:

P.S. Copy all necessary *.jar, *.class, images (e.g. *.gif or *.jpg), and data files (e.g. *.txt) to your web directory and embed the above code into your own HTML file.

[More Package Info]:
  • File Description:
  • sprites.html - this example with comments on param usage
  • sprites.jar - main program class
  • sprite*.gif - sample sprite images